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Potassium Nitrosochloivifuthenate K2RuCl5NO

Potassium Nitrosochloivifuthenate or Potassium Ruthenium Nitrosochloride, 2KCl.RuCl3.NO or K2RuCl5NO, is obtained by direct precipitation of concentrated solutions of potassium chloride and ruthenium nitrosochloride ; it also results on evaporation of mixed dilute solutions of the two substances. It yields black orthorhombic crystals which dissolve in water to a reddish violet solution. The aqueous solution is stable, its electric conductivity showing no alteration whatever after standing for two weeks. Its solution apparently contains three ions, namely, К, К, and RuCl5.NO''.

This salt is interesting as being the one which led Claus in 1845 to identify ruthenium as a new element. He believed it to be K2RuCl3, analogous to potassium chlorplatinate, but Joly showed it to be a nitroso compound. The dihydrate, 2KCl.RuCl3.NO.2H2O, is deposited as black, efflorescent crystals when the mother-liquors of the salt are slowly concentrated.

The corresponding bromine and iodine derivatives, namely, 2KBr.RuBr3.NO and 2KI.RuI3.NO respectively, have been prepared.

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